Kawai Blog

Shigeru Kawai SK-EX Chosen as Official Piano of Città di Cantù Italian Piano Competition

Shigeru Kawai SK-EX Chosen as Official Piano of Città di Cantù Italian Piano Competition     Città di Cantù Piano…

Winnie Su Masterclass – Key Takeaways and Learnings

Winnie Su Masterclass – Key Takeaways and Learnings  A few weeks ago, the distinguished recipient of the 2022 Sydney Eisteddfod…

Guest article Overcoming Musical Plateaus, Insight from Natasha Vlassenko and Oleg Stepanov

Insight from Natasha Vlassenko and Oleg Stepanov on Overcoming Musical Plateaus Meet our guest contributors Natasha Vlassenko, a celebrated pianist…

Mastering the Music: Steps for Overcoming Musical Plateaus

7 Steps for Overcoming Musical Plateaus In the journey of mastering a musical piece, both students and teachers frequently encounter…

World Piano Day 2024

What is Piano Day? Piano Day is a worldwide celebration of the piano that takes place on the 88th day…

8 Focused Practice Strategies for Music Students

8 Focused Practice Strategies for Music Students (and Everyone Else) Sang Woo Kang, DMA, developed a unique eight-step program for…

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